Taking the proper PCR testing for travel is essential for your health. The test should be taken within a 72-hour window before you leave for your trip. Taking the test 24 hours prior to travel ensures that you’ll have enough time to prepare for your journey. Typically, it’s a good idea to get the test done as early as possible in order to minimize any potential problems.

Planning For Your Business Travel

The best time to take the test is before departure, especially if it’s for an extended stay. There are many different countries that have different requirements for preventing infection, and you may find it difficult to learn about them all before you leave.

Several companies offer rapid PCR travel tests. The results can come back to you within 24 to 72 hours depending on what level of PCR testing service you choose to use. The results are reported with an official lab report and a fit-to-fly certificate. Most tests can be completed by trained testing professionals or alternatively you can do them yourself and return the results to the testing company. This means that you can save time by doing your own test.

Business travel is all about planning ahead, be sure to arrange for as much as possible in advance, so that if your plans become disrupted, you can make alternative arrangements. You might even want to book multiple PCR tests so that you have tests for various parts of your journey.

Positive Effects Of PCR Testing For Travel In Birmingham

As a result of the new testing services being made available in Birmingham, we have seen a number of positive effects for the business industry as well as businesses across Birmingham. One of the most notable positive changes has been time efficiency. Since the start of the pandemic business meetings and travel has been badly affected by lockdowns and government restrictions.

Opening up travel again has meant that businesses and their employees have been able to connect more at global meetings and conferences. This has also helped to improve and increase global trade which saw a dip when most of the world was locked down due to restrictions at the time.

Ultimately what businesses and travellers have needed for a long time now has been a reliable PCR testing service in Birmingham that gives them the ability to travel at short notice whilst still adhering to national guidelines on health protection for covid 19.

Faster Safer Travel

In some areas abroad , a PCR test can take more than an a day . Fortunately, there are laboratories that complete tests on a signifcant scale in most major cities. You may need to stay overnight in a connecting city to get the test, but it’s not always possible to travel back to your home city immediately. Rather, you may have to wait a few hours for the results, depending on the type of test and the location of the laboratory.

PCR testing for travel is available throughout a number of locations in the UK. If you are travelling from England, Birmingham PCR testing for travel is one of the best services currently available. It offers travellers plenty of flexibility in addition to the ability to save time when they are travelling.

With Birmingham PCR testing for business travel safer travel is being enabled daily.

  • Wide range of testing options
  • Reduced test waiting times
  • Accurate and reliable tests
  • Smooth and well run service
  • Test booking slots available online
  • Affordable testing at low cost